Feb 22, 2010

My Artwork Landing A Ubuntu 10.04

As I mentioned earlier, I've been working with Scott Ritchie to create a "branding-ubuntu" package. During the Lucid cycle Scott have been working on getting the artwork into the actual Ubuntu 10.04 release (rather than just a separate package). If you play Mahjongg or Klondike (also known as Solitaire and Aisleriot) in Ubuntu 10.04, you will notice the new artwork. See the screenshot below:

A blurry screenshot from Ubuntu 10.04

It's very easy to spot the new "table" background and the new card back artwork in Klondike, but in Mahjongg the change is much more discreet. I've added red circle around the changed tile.

In the Karmic cycle my artwork for the Ubiquity Slideshow landed and it's truly a great feeling when something actually makes it into the release.

Related links:
Mocking Up Aisleriot
Random artwork...
PPA for the “branding-ubuntu” package


  1. Congrats man! It looks awesome!

    I'm a sucker for Ubuntu-branding, too!

  2. I really like aisleriot, but the mahjongg tile doesn't really fit in :\

  3. d0od -> Thanks :-D

    Giorg -> I understand, but the old Mahjongg tile was a Gnome foot http://live.gnome.org/Mahjongg?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=mahjongg.png

    Pick your poison ;-)
