Jan 28, 2010

Wallpaper Artwork

I've been trying to create a wallpaper for Edubuntu. So far I have a few suggestions, but nothing that is good enough to be used as default wallpaper. Anyway, I just wanted to share my four current suggestion with you.

You can grab the .JPG versions in 2560x1600 px here:


  1. Exelentes wallpapers!!.. pero no funcionan los links :s saludos ¿Podrian colgarlos de nuevo? saludos ;)

  2. Hi Mads, fyi E404 for the first three pics, last one linked to dropbox is ok

  3. Wall 1 2 3 = Not Found
    Error 404.

  4. I think, that if you want to make one that's gonna be included with a release you should try to use a combination of gradients and smart subtle vector graphics on top of it. I never cared much about the red/orange thing ubuntu has going on.. wondered why we can't make it more blue, feels more corporate and professional to me.

  5. Links don't work, apart from that they look good at a small res :-)

  6. Thanks for the heads up everybody, The links should work now :-)

  7. I really liked the third picture , but I reversed direction horizontally : )
