Feb 9, 2009

Install additional plugins for Compiz 0.7.8

After the "How to change icon size in Nautilus sidebar" post, here's yet another how-to guide.

Recently, I installed the Compiz screensaver plugin on Interpid Ibex and wanted to share my experience with you. IT'S AWESOME! There is so many amazing plugins which were left out of the default Compiz installation. Anaglyph, atlantis, atlantis2, cubemodel, dialog, elements, extra-animations, fireflies, freewins, ghost, photowheel, screensaver, snowglobe, stars just to name a few of the more popular plugins.
Anyway, this very detailed post will walk you though everything you need: Here...

To see what each plugin does, search YouTube

1 comment:

  1. your link is broken. Where can we get instructions on installing this screensaver
